Food Addiction Is Real, And It Ain’t Fun

I’ve said it before. Food can be addictive, and obesity isn’t necessarily a sign of weak-mindedness. Finally, there’s some scientific proof. An new Yale University study shows that so-called ‘food addicts’ show similar brain activity to other substance abusers. But don’t take my word for it. Here are some links to the study and related news reports:

Neural Correlates of Food Addiction, Archives of General Psychiatry, 4/4/2011

Food Addiction May Have Impact on the Brain, WebMD, 4/5/2011

Can people be addicted to food?, CBS News, 4/5/2011

Food May Be Addicting for Some, The Wall Street Journal, 4/5/11

Also, here’s a link to Google News, which lists additional articles on the topic.

So, the evidence is mounting that food can be addictive. It’s also the only addictive substance that we can’t actually live without. Recovering alcoholics can abstain from alcohol. Cocaine or heroine addicts in recovery can avoid drugs. But food addicts? We’ve still got to eat. It’s inherently unfair, ain’t it?

2 thoughts on “Food Addiction Is Real, And It Ain’t Fun

  1. It’s also the way that the way food is propared in the factories with the added surgars, high fructose corn syrup, and all the trans fats.

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